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If your Company or business is not Mobile Friendly is not on the map!!

You still don’t know if your Company needs an App?

At AIONTECH we offer to you a counseling to find out what your company or business really need to become Mobile Friendly.

We’ve got a wide expertise in responsive websites development, taking your Company or business visibility to the next level.

Soft Tokens

We develop mobile bank tokens to any platform

BYOD and MDM applications

Applications which let collaborators perform job’s task from their mobile gadgets BYOD (bring your own device), MDM (Mobile Device Management)


Geographic search and location to any service or product

responsive websites

Responsive websites, making your Company Mobile Friendly


We offer UX experience and knoweledge to analyse and correct applications and systems flow achieving them to be more intuitive to the users


Let us know your idea and we realize your project

During construction or development stage, we test mobile applications considering precisely their own mobility context and making sure the accomplishment of features such as functionality, use, safety and high performance of them.

The complexity of the software quality assurance in mobile applications it’s in knowing different operating systems and a wide range of gadgets models. Thus, an appropriated built and high quality application will be that one which its performance is suitable to any kind of mobile gadgets as well as operating systems agreed with the client.