Soft Token
Soft Token Software turns your Windows mobile, Windows phone, Blackberry de RIM, Apple iPhone or Android into an autonomous authentication powerful symbol of two tokens able to create dinamic passwords in a single use letting you sign in a session of protected services and systems in this tool.
This product allows a Software token assignation to a mobile and the token code deployment every minute with RSA tokens.
With the Hub of Payments platform, business management has no need to worry about issues such as the characteristics of participant messaging, communication protocols, file-sharing processes.
A simple process for recruitment but safety high levelskept since the created seed and CUA wont be able to be used in another gadget due to it is liked to the gadget ID.
Easy recruitment and simple process. To organization, there’s nothing else to do. The user is the one who gets to choose if they wish their authentication be made of two key acces factors and sent to which gadget.